Personal and family financial planning focuses on you and your family’s big picture goals and needs.

Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach or viewing your financial life in silos, you should be focused on achieving your life goals by properly managing your current and future financial resources. The institute helps you with this as your Personal and Family Investment Advocate.

The ability for individuals to save for retirement extends to circumstances involving their entire family and financial situation. It can be overwhelming to have to deal with the financial strain of taking care of elderly parents or deal with the impact of divorce. You need someone outside of those you work with to provide an unbiased and independent perspective to:

  • better understand the process required to save

  • achieve parity between one’s standard of living and one’s retirement savings

  • lower financial stress

  • understand social security

Comprehensive Planning and Reporting

Individuals receive a multidimensional retirement planning session with annual reviews and intermittent follow up at any time if a major life event take place.

In just minutes, we can show dynamic graphics to help you and your family visualize and understand their retirement reality. Using powerful solve-it algorithms, we can quickly solve for any retirement income risks you face – including longevity, sequence of returns, and market volatility – in a single client meeting, from income accumulation through income depletion.

Simply put, our tools are high-tech and our team provides active human touch, offering an engaging and highly-personalized client experience promoting deeper understanding of meeting family income and retirement goals.

Need Help With Your 401k?

Throughout life many people encounter situations affecting their ability to save, with no one to turn to for guidance.

Our guidance keeps your financial sails pointed in the right direction.